Narayan Memorial Hospital

Department of

General Medicine
Make an Appointment

General Medicine

Welcome to Narayan Memorial Hospital, where your health is our priority. Our team of dedicated General Medicine Doctors provides comprehensive and personalized care to address a wide range of medical concerns. As your trusted healthcare partner, we are committed to delivering high-quality general medical services to keep you in optimal health.

    Make An Appointment

    Conditions Treated

    Our experienced General Medicine Doctors are well-equipped to diagnose and treat various medical conditions, including:

    Respiratory Infections

    From common colds to pneumonia, our doctors are skilled in managing respiratory infections and ensuring proper respiratory health.

    Cardiovascular Conditions

    We address heart-related issues, including hypertension and cholesterol management, to promote a healthy cardiovascular system.

    Diabetes Management​

    Our team specializes in managing diabetes, offering personalized care plans to control blood sugar levels and prevent complications.

    Gastrointestinal Disorders

    From indigestion to gastroenteritis, our General Medicine Doctors manage a range of gastrointestinal conditions to support digestive health.


    Narayan Memorial Hospital’s General Medicine Department offers a variety of treatments for different medical conditions:

    Medication Management

    Our doctors prescribe appropriate medications tailored to address specific medical conditions and manage symptoms effectively.

    Preventive Care

    We emphasize the importance of preventive measures, including vaccinations and health screenings, to detect and address potential health issues early.

    Lifestyle Counseling

    Our healthcare professionals provide guidance on adopting a healthy lifestyle, including nutrition, exercise, and stress management, to enhance overall well-being.

    Referrals to Specialists

    When necessary, our General Medicine Doctors collaborate with specialists to ensure comprehensive care for complex medical conditions.

    At Narayan Memorial Hospital, we understand the significance of general medical care in maintaining your overall health. Our General Medicine Doctors are dedicated to providing personalized and effective solutions for a variety of medical concerns. Whether you need routine check-ups, management of chronic conditions, or guidance on leading a healthier lifestyle, trust Narayan Memorial to be your partner in achieving and maintaining optimal well-being.

    Visit us today to experience the difference that specialized general medical care can make in your overall health. Narayan Memorial Hospital is your destination for excellence in general medicine services, where your health and comfort are our top priorities. Your journey to optimal health begins with us, and we look forward to being your trusted healthcare companion.


    +91 9874000000

    Important Phone No

    Admission Desk: 6292195056

    OPD Desk: 6292195058

    Health Check Up: 6292195051

    Manager on Duty: 6292195057

    Visiting Hours

    WARD :
    Morning: 11 AM to 12 AM
    Evening: 5 P.M. to 6 P.M.

    Two visitors (with visiting cards) are allowed one by one.
    Children are allowed only on Sunday Evening.

    ICU : One visitor (preferably family member) may be allowed between 4 P.M – 5 P.M.
